COVID-19: Your Safety is Our Priority

As a medical clinic, River City Eye Associates considers the health and wellness of our patients our priority. For your safety, in addition to our normal cleaning protocols, we have implemented the following precautions: 

  1. To comply with CDC and Texas Medical Association recommendations, all staff, patients, and visitors will be required to wear masks at all times in our clinic.
  2. To eliminate time in the waiting room, we are attempting to bring patients directly to the exam room following check-in.
  3. To mitigate potential viral spread, we are cleaning all surfaces of patient contact with EPA-approved disinfectants after each patient.
  4. To reduce potential exposure to COVID-19, we are pre-screening all patients for symptoms or exposure to Coronavirus.
  5. To decrease time in the clinic, we now offer and encourage online patient registration.
  6. To minimize possible community spread, we request that patients come alone (or, if necessary, with one other adult).
  7. To reduce risk to patients and staff, we are taking the temperature of all staff prior to the start of clinic.

We are here for you.

River City Eye Associates, PLLC

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