For your convenience, we have compiled the following videos about the two laser treatments we offer in our clinic. Just click on the link to view the video.
Patient Education Videos: Refractive Error
For your convenience, we have compiled the following videos about common refractive error conditions. Just click on the link to view the video.
Patient Education Videos: Glaucoma
For your convenience, we have compiled a list of videos that we hope will give you a greater understanding of glaucoma and treatment options. Just click on the link to view the video.
Aaron C. Hager, M.D.
Dr. Hager is a board-certified comprehensive ophthalmologist with a passion for individualized, compassionate patient care. He completed his residency in the Air Force joint services program San Antonio, TX. Following completion of his military service commitment, Dr. Hager returned to Texas to serve the community and pursue his passion for missions. Dr. Hager has four fantastic children and is an outdoor enthusiast.
Contact Us
Call us at 210-930-2015 to schedule your appointment! We look forward to serving you! Our FAX number is 210-822-3690.